
greener life logo

Helping the environment can be
as simple as paying your gas bill.
GNG greenerlife Logo Greener Life is an optional product from Georgia Natural Gas that helps people like you do their part for the environment for a small monthly fee. When you join Greener Life, GNG will calculate the amount of greenhouse gases your natural gas usage releases into the atmosphere and will purchase and retire carbon offsets to balance the impact of these emissions. In this way, you can feel good that your natural gas usage has net-zero impact of the environment.

Greener Life®

Carbon Counter

500,000,000+ Pounds of CO2e offset by GNG customers.
Greener Life Plant

Get Greener Life® FREE for a year.*

4.99 /MO
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Commercial plans available for $9.99/month.

Where is greener life helping?


Doe Mountain

Doe Mountain Forestry Project is located on over 8,500 acres of forestland in the Blue Ridge Mountains of eastern Tennessee. By committing to maintain forest carbon dioxide stocks through sustainable management, the project will provide significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration.

Program ID No.: ACR398
Endorsed Program:
American Carbon Registry
Location: Tennessee
Project Type:
Improved Forest Management
Project start: 2021


Charlotte County Zemel

Charlotte county is currently installing an active gas collection system at the Zemel Road landfill. Initially, all gas will be destroyed by an open flare. However, the County is working on finding a beneficial use for the gas, most likely through the generation of electricity or the sale of the landfill gas to a third party. There are no prior destruction devices of any kind at the site. While the landfill's design capacity is large enough to make it subject to federal New Source Performance Standards for municipal solid waste landfills, Tier 2 tests show the landfill's non-methane organic compounds emissions are well below the threshold of 50 MG/year. Installation of the gas control and collection system is entirely voluntary at this time.

Program ID No.: CAR627
Endorsed Program:
Climate Action Reserve
Location: Florida
Project Type:
Road Landfill Gas Capture
Project start: 2011

south carolina

Greenville County Landfill

The Greenville County Landfill Gas Utilization Project is built, owned, and operated by Greenville Gas Producers, LLC, a landfill gas (LFG) collection and utilization project taking place at the Enoree landfill in Greer, SC. The Enoree Landfill is a municipal solid waste landfill that opened in 1991 and closed in January of 2007, when it was capped with a high-density polyethylene material. At the time of closure there was approximately 3.5 million tons of waste in place (3.2 million tonnes), with an non-methane organic compounds emission rate below 12 Mg/yr. The project activity includes methane capture and destruction with an open flare and a modular electricity generation plant. The flare began operating in August 2007. Construction of the electricity generation plant, with an installed capacity of 3.2 MW, was completed in August, 2008.

Program ID No.: CAR495
Endorsed Program:
Climate Action Reserve
Location: South Carolina
Project Type:
Gas Utilization Project
Project start: 2016


A-Gas Voluntary Emission

Reclamation Technologies, Inc., dba A-Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction project, A-Gas V1, was undertaken voluntarily by A-Gas to avoid future production of virgin hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and promoting the reclamation of used hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The project hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) were sourced from one U.S. domestic source and were reclaimed from medical dose inhalers. The HFC was reclaimed to industry specification standards at the A-Gas facility in Bowling Green, Ohio with the intention to resell into the market. All applicable laws and regulations were followed throughout this project.

Program ID No.: ACR573
Endorsed Program:
American Carbon Registry
Location: Ohio
Project Type:
Reduction Project
Project start: 2019


Wolf Creek Landfill

Voluntary installation of landfill gas collection system for methane capture and destruction (either by flaring or by use as fuel for electrical generation) for generation of Climate Reserve Tonnes.

Program ID No.: CAR498
Endorsed Program:
Climate Action Reserve
Location: Georgia
Project Type:
Landfill Gas Capture/Combustion
Project start: 2010

What is a Carbon Offset?

Carbon offsets are certificates created by projects that reduce, avoid, or destroy greenhouse gases. Project owners can sell these offset certificates to expand their projects or create new ones. Each carbon offset purchased funds the reduction or elimination of one metric ton (2,204 pounds) of carbon dioxide-equivalent gases (CO2e).

1 carbon offset equals the removal or capture of 1 metric ton of CO2e from the atmosphere. Because different chemicals have different impacts on warming, CO2e is used as the standard measurement for greenhouse gases.

Carbon Offset Diagram

What is your Carbon Footprint?

Natural Gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, but when it is burned, it still releases some greenhouse gases (GHGs). In fact, the average Georgia Natural Gas customer contributes more than 3 tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere each year from their natural gas usage.

Even when we do a lot to reduce our carbon footprint, most of us can’t reduce it to zero. By choosing GNG’s Greener Life program, you can feel good that you’ve made your natural gas usage carbon neutral.

What are ways to reduce my carbon footprint?
Know your carbon footprint

My average annual therm usage

Metric Tons


Slide to see your Carbon Footprint.

Help Fund a Virtuous Cycle

When you participate in the Greener Life program, GNG will calculate the amount of greenhouse gases you release based on your natural gas usage each month. Then we will retire an equal amount of carbon offsets on your behalf. The greenhouse gas emissions being offset by this service are those associated with the combustion of natural gas at the point of consumption only, and do not include lifecycle emissions that occur during extraction, production, or delivery.

Retiring a carbon offset on your behalf means that you are the only person that can claim the environmental benefit from that offset.

The more people who join Greener Life, the more carbon offsets GNG will purchase and retire. This will contribute to similar projects being developed, which leads to more greenhouse gases being removed from the atmosphere.

Fund a virtuous cycle

Holding Ourselves to a Higher Standard

We believe it is important to do our part to preserve and protect the environment. We also believe it is essential we do that in an honest, transparent way.

We know that all of this can be confusing. A Carbon Offset? Greenhouse gases? CO2e? That’s why we’ve gone an extra step to assure you that we are fully delivering on our promises. It’s why we are proud that our Greener Life program has been certified by Green-e® Climate, the leading independent certification program for carbon offsets sold in the voluntary market. The Green-e® Climate logo provides a way to identify products that meet the program’s high environmental and consumer protection standards. For more information on Green-e Climate certification requirements, or to find certified products, visit or email

Green-E Logo

Greener Life Product Mix Label

Type: Landfill Gas Capture

Certification: Climate Action Reserve

Location: Florida, USA

% of Product: 10%

Quantities: 15,000

Type: Landfill Gas Utilization

Certification: Climate Action Reserve

Location: South Carolina, USA

% of Product: 10%

Quantities: 15,000

Type: Improved Forest Management

Certification: American Carbon Registry

Location: Tennessee, USA

% of Product: 4%

Quantities: 6,000

Type: HFC Refrigerant Reclamation

Certification: American Carbon Registry

Location: Ohio, USA

% of Product: 37%

Quantities: 54,935

Type: HFC Refrigerant Reclamation

Certification: American Carbon Registry

Location: Ohio, USA

% of Product: 10%

Quantities: 15,045

Type: HFC Refrigerant Reclamation

Certification: American Carbon Registry

Location: Ohio, USA

% of Product: 29%

Quantities: 44,020

Climate Certificate

Per the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Calculator, each therm of natural gas results in 0.0053 metric tons of CO2.

The Carbon Offset Content Label represents the mix of offsets we have contracted to provide. Actual percentages of greenhouse gases emissions reductions may vary by a small amount. In the case of significant variance, GNG is obligated to provide you with a more accurate historical disclosure.Visit a list of our projects

Visit a list of our projects here:

Greener Life is Green-e Climate certified and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards for greenhouse gas emissions reductions (carbon offsets) set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn More

The Science of Carbon Offsets

Burning natural gas creates greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. A single carbon offset represents the removal or capture of one metric ton of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) gases. Because different gases and chemicals have different impacts on the environment, CO2e is used as the standard measurement for greenhouse gases.

Natural gas is measured in therms. Burning one therm of natural gas is approximately the equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet of natural gas. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), burning one therm of natural gas contributes 11.7 pounds of CO2e to the atmosphere.

GNG tracks the amount of therms of natural gas Greener Life customers use and calculates the amount of CO2e released as a result that usage. We then retire an equivalent amount of carbon offsets. In this way, Greener Life customers can be sure their natural gas usage was made carbon neutral.

GL Flourish
Greener Life is now even greener.

Greener Life is now enhanced with Certified Low Emissions gas. Greener Life customers like you are already making the natural gas usage in their homes carbon neutral. But now, you have another reason to feel better about your carbon footprint. With the benefits of Certified Low Emissions gas, you are reducing your carbon footprint where the gas is produced, too. GNG takes our environmental stewardship seriously. That’s why we’re proud to add this new benefit to our Greener Life program at no additional cost to you.

What is Certified Low Emissions gas?

Certified Low Emissions natural gas is responsibly sourced from companies who use low emissions processes to produce natural gas. Certified natural gas producers have their facilities audited by independent experts who make sure producers’ methane emissions are below specified levels and that they use industry best practices to minimize methane leakage and limit environmental impact.

Georgia Natural Gas partners with MiQ, a not-for-profit organization that is one of the leading certifiers of natural gas. MiQ’s Methane Standard has been adopted by some of the world’s biggest natural gas producers. To determine the methane emissions performance of facilities where natural gas is produced, MiQ uses a grading method that is transparent, robust and based on data. Independent auditors perform assessments of producer facilities.

Let's do a ton of good.

By participating in GNG’s Greener Life program, you’ll be taking a big step to protect the environment. You can also be proud that your natural gas usage is carbon neutral.

Shrink your carbon footprint by making your gas usage carbon neutral.

Now enhanced with Certified Low Emissions gas.

There’s no contract - you can cancel your participation at any time.

Know you’re making a difference with a Green-e® Climate certified program.

Greener Life®

Carbon Counter

500,000,000+ Pounds of CO2e offset by GNG customers.
Greener Life Plant

Get Greener Life® FREE for a year.*

4.99 /MO
Sign Up For Service
New Customers
Add to my plan
Current Customers

Commercial plans available for $9.99/month.

Natural Meets Neutral®

Georgia's natural gas leader is now a leader in protecting the environment. As part of the Greener Life program, GNG will calculate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with your natural gas usage and retire carbon offsets to balance 100% of those emissions*.

Each Carbon Offset represents the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. The offsets GNG purchases for the Greener Life program come from a mix of projects that have been validated and registered under the high-quality standards of the Climate Action Reserve and the American Carbon Registry.

Your monthly Greener Life Signature Service charge will appear on your bill as a separate line item under the Current Gas Service Charges section of your bill and is subject to applicable state and local taxes.

GNG's Greener Life program is Green-e® Climate certified and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards for greenhouse gas emissions reductions (carbon offsets) set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions.

See all Greener Life Terms & Conditions

*12 months of free Greener Life is applicable to qualified customers who sign up on Greener Life between 08/07/2024 and 05/04/2025. Greener Life service charge applies after the expiration of the 12 month period.

Aggregate pounds for the period from 09/29/2019 through 08/19/2024. 500,000,000 pounds of CO2e equals the removal or capture of 226,798 metric tons of CO2e from the atmosphere and equals 226,798 total carbon offsets retired on behalf of GNG customers.