With the Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill plan, you never have to worry about being hit with an unexpectedly high gas bill. You’ll get a personalized, flat monthly rate that won’t change regardless of changes in natural gas rates or weather, even in winter.
This isn't your typical budget billing where you run the risk of getting hit with a hefty bill if you use more gas than expected in the cold weather. With our Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill plan there is no settlement or deferred amount to pay at the end of your plan term. It’s simply a great way to protect and manage your budget.Some providers offer “budget billing,” but if you use more gas than expected, they’ll typically charge you the difference at the end of the year.
With Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill, you pay a flat monthly amount and there's no deferred payment at the end of your plan term.While both Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill and our variable Pre-Pay plan require you to pay in advance for your gas service, only Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill locks in your monthly bill amount.
On the variable Pre-Pay plan, your price per therm could change or remain the same based on market conditions. That means your monthly bill amount will fluctuate with the price of gas and your usage. This generally causes winter bills to spike during cold weather months.
Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill is a flat monthly bill amount tailored to your premises. It provides you with security and protection against potentially increasing gas bills when the weather turns cold. This means you will always know your monthly bill amount. You’ll have security and protection against potentially increasing gas bills when the weather turns cold.
As an additional benefit for Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill, you won’t have a connection charge to establish service.
We take the total amount and divide by 12 to determine your Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill amount. Your Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill amount does not include taxes or one-time charges such as connection charges or late fees. GNG will prorate the Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill Charge for non-standard service periods (those fewer than 27 days or longer than 33 days).
If you are already a Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill Customer and wish to know what your early termination charge is, please refer to the disclosures included in your welcome package, or call GNG Customer Care.
Lock in a flat monthly bill amount that won't change for the next 12 months, regardless of changes in natural gas rates or weather. Plus, we'll credit you up to $200 if your current provider charges you a termination fee.‡
Eligibility for the Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill plan and the actual Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill amount are subject to a credit approval process. The estimate is valid only for the specified address at the time of request and is subject to change.
Pay the same flat bill amount every month, guaranteed.
More Options to Help Build Your Credit
No deposit required. Simply pay in advance for your gas service. The monthly price per therm may change or remain the same depending on numerous factors, including wholesale gas costs, weather, market conditions, and other factors.
This plan is available to customers based on credit criteria and/or payment history. Customer can change to another price plan for which they qualify after 12 consecutive months of timely payment.
*Rates and Price Plans effective 03/05/25 and 04/04/25.
Enrollment eligibility, price plan availability and actual customer service charge, deposit requirement, price per therm and actual Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill amount are subject to GNG’s credit and payment policies. See gng.com for price plans and customer service charge ranges. Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill amount does not include prorated service periods, taxes or one-time charges, which may include connection or late charges. All price plans are subject to GNG’s terms and conditions of service.
Eligibility for the Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill plan and the actual Pre-Pay Guaranteed Bill amount are subject to a credit approval process. The estimate is valid only for the specified address at the time of request and is subject to change.
‡For credit of fixed contract exit fee (limit $200), email a copy of bill showing fixed contract exit fee from current natural gas provider to customerservice@gng.com within 90 days from the date GNG service begins.